ES6 cheatsheet — String Templates

Headshot Mihai Serban

Serban Mihai / 16 October 2018

~1 min read


Template Strings use back-ticks (``) rather than the single or double quotes we’re used to with regular strings. A template string could thus be written as follows:

const greeting = `Yo World!`;

String Substitution:

Substitution allows us to place any valid JavaScript expression inside a Template Literal, the result will be output as part of the same string.

Template Strings can contain placeholders for string substitution using the ${ } syntax:

var name = "Brendan";
console.log(`Yo, ${name}!`); //"Yo, Brendan!"

We can use expression interpolation to embed for some readable inline math:

var a = 10;
var b = 10;
console.log(`${a+b}`); //20

They are also very useful for functions inside expressions:

function fn() { return "inside fn"; }
console.log(`outside, ${fn()}, outside`); // outside, inside fn, outside.

Multiline Strings:

Multiline strings in JavaScript have required hacky workarounds for some time. Template Strings significantly simplify multiline strings. Simply include newlines where they are needed and BOOM.

let text = `In ES5 this is
not legal.`

Unescaped template strings:

We can now construct strings that have special characters in them without needing to escape them explicitly.

var text = "This string contains "double quotes" which are escaped.";
let text = `This string contains "double quotes" which don't need to be escaped anymore.`;

You can find a more complete ES6 cheetsheet on my Github page.

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